Propunerile pentru lucrarile ECR 2018, Wiena 28 februarie-4 martie, respectiv rezumatele pot fi trimise pana in data de 10 octombrie 2017.
Alte precizari si noutati legate de ECR 2018 pot fi aflate accesand urmatoarele linkuri listate mai jos:
- ECR 2018 congress poster - link to:
- Abstract submission banner - link to:
- Invest in the Youth poster - link to:
- Invest in the Youth poster - link to:
- Invest in the Youth poster - link to:
- My Thesis in 3 Minutes poster - link to:
To download all these images, as well as a brief explanation of the respective programmes, please click here.
Dragi colegi, va rog, sa trimiteti cat mai multe propuneri de lucrari la ECR 2018 atat pentru sesiunile stiintifice cat si pentru EPOS.
Mult succes si spor!
Prof.Dr.Ioana Lupescu