Mesajul Presedintelui ECR:

I am writing to you regarding the upcoming European Congress of 
Radiology – ECR 2019, which will be held in the beautiful city of Vienna 
from February 27 to March 3.

To me, the active involvement of professionals from Romania is very 

Having people and contributions from many countries is of utmost 
importance for the dialogue in our radiological community and the spirit 
of the ECR. I therefore reach out to you to ask you for your precious 
help in promoting the ECR abstract submission.

A high number of abstracts, and subsequently presenters, at ECR from 
your country will allow the SRIM to stand out and for your individual 
members to enhance their CVs. Therefore, I would ask you to encourage 
your colleagues to ‘be part of the bigger picture’ and submit their work 
by October 10.

Please find the abstract submission link 

I cordially thank you for your help in spreading the word, and I would 
be delighted to receive many abstracts and see many colleagues from your 
country in Vienna!

With best personal regards,

Lorenzo Derchi

Prof. Lorenzo E. Derchi
ESR President, Chairman of the ECR 2019 Programme Planning Committee