Scoala de Vara in Radiologie si Imagistica Medicala 2023
28 iunie-1 iulie 2023
Cuvant Inainte
Dragi colegi,
Radiologia și Imagistica Medicală este o specialitate care a evoluat semnificativ în ultimii ani, devenind una din specialitățile de top alese de către studenții la medicină.
În numele Societății de Radiologie și Imagistică Medicală din România îmi revine deosebita plăcere să anunț organizarea Scolii de vara în Radiologie și Imagistică Medicală în perioada 28 iunie-1 iulie 2023. Anul acesta evenimentul dispune de o locația inedită și anume podgoria Palkonya din Ungaria, o regiune cu o vastă tradiţie culturală. Famecul locului și atmosfera relaxată de la reședinţa BAUER, care ne va găzdui pe tot parcursul școlii, vor asigura succesul acestei întâlniri.
Această manifestare își dorește sprijinirea in totalitate a celor mai buni rezidenți în radiologie și imagistică medicală din România, UNITATE fiind cuvântul cheie. Noutatea acestui eveniment este reprezentată de colaborarea interdisciplinara cu chirurgi de prestigiu, precum si imagiști din țări europene precum Germania. Medicii rezidenţi cărora le este dedicată această manifestare vor avea ocazia de a învăţa lucruri noi, de a-și aprofunda cunoștiinţele, dar și de a privi spre viitor punându-se la curent cu cele mai noi tendinţe în radiologia și imagistica medicală.
Au fost alocate 50 de locuri cu prezență fizică, rezervate rezidenților din anii 1-5. Rezidenții participanți la formatul fizic vor avea acoperite cheltuielile logistice în localitate și vor fi desemnați de către coordonatorii acestora de rezidențiat, în limita locurilor alocate fiecărui centru.
Tema Congresului European de Radiologie 2024 este Next Generation Radiology și pentru a fi în tendințe este de datoria noastră a tuturor sa susținem noua generație de radiologi și imagiști din România.
Evenimentul este creditat de Colegiul Medicilor din România
Vă așteptăm acum să pășim împreună în viitor!
Manifestarea este creditata de CMR cu 16 puncte EMC.
Prof. univ. dr. Ioana Gheonea
Președinte SRIM
Taxe de participare
Participarea rezidenților este gratuită.
Eastern Europe Imaging Masterclasses
By providing incomparable diagnostic precision and accuracy in the evaluation of various heart disorders,
CMR has completely changed the area of cardiology
- Complex cardiovascular problems can now be detected, treated, and comprehended more thoroughly because to the development of CMR
- It is anticipated that as technology advances, CMR's applications will expand, making it a more crucial tool in modern cardiology.
Technology has advanced the detection and treatment of numerous complications in the field of cardiology, where precision and accuracy are crucial. The use of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR), a sophisticated imaging technique, has completely changed how we comprehend, identify, and treat a variety of cardiovascular problems. “From a physical point of view, the CMR technology exists for many years. But we can consider that the huge expansion of magnetic resonance in cardiology was mainly observed in the last two decades, last 10 years, not only for the technological improvement but also for the huge expansion of the clinical indication of magnetic resonance in cardiology”, stated Dr. Gianluca Pontone, who is a cardiologist and radiologist and the Director of Cardiovascular Imaging Department Centro Cardiologico Monzino, the heart institute of University of Milan, Italy.
CMR is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses radio waves, magnetic fields, and an advanced computer system to provide precise images of the heart and its surroundings. Contrary to other imaging techniques like CT scans and echocardiograms, CMR offers more precise, accurate, and in-depth knowledge on the structure, operation, and blood flow of the heart. As a result, CMR is an important diagnostic tool for evaluating a variety of cardiac disorders, including coronary artery disease, myocarditis, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathies.
“The great advantage of magnetic resonance is the use of the evaluation of tissue characterization, because echocardiology is not able to define the tissue characterization, the tissue composition, and therefore we need to have a further imaging modality to this regard. Cardiac magnetic resonance is exactly the technique able to evaluate the tissue characterization”, underlined Dr. Gianluca Pontone.
CMR has a wide variety of clinical applications in addition to its diagnostic capabilities. It is frequently used to evaluate blood flow across the heart's chambers and major vessels, quantify myocardial scar tissue, and evaluate cardiac function and viability. Planning and managing cardiac operations including percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), heart transplantation, and electrophysiological research both need the use of CMR.
“If you look at the most recent guidelines, you can find that cardiac magnetic resonance has an indication in no scenarios. But if I want to use just one teaching example, for sure, one of the most common example used is the patient with a dilated cardiomyopathy with an indication for ICD, for implantable cardioverter. Actually, the guidelines suggest the use of ejection fraction as detected by echocardiography as a criteria to decide for the implantation. But robust evidence also from our group showed that if we use a CMR score to define which patients receive more greatest benefit for ICD implantation, CMR is absolutely more robust, and the guidelines are moving in that direction. And this is a very impressive and practical example about the additional value of cardiac magnetic resonance”, declared Dr. Pontone.
CMR has completely changed the field of cardiology with its unsurpassed diagnostic precision and accuracy in the assessment of various cardiac conditions. The development of CMR has enabled a better understanding of complex cardiovascular disorders, improved diagnosis, and more specialized and effective treatment options.
“In the field of cardiac imaging in general, regardless of the technology that we are using, the cardiac imaging, the advanced cardiac imaging is actually still underused. That is the main problem. If, for example, you check the volume of cardiac imaging in magnetic resonance or in computer tomography, in the majority of cases, less than 10% or 5% of the entire volume of the imaging with the scanner. This is inconsistent as compared to the indication because, as you know, from epidemiological point of view, the cardiac disease is at least most common or even more common than oncology. And therefore, it's quite unexpected that you have 30% or 40% of the CTMR activities involved by oncology indication and there is just 5% of cardiac imaging. So, at the moment, for sure, there is a huge evidence that this imaging is underused. And the reason for this underuse is mainly related to the barrier that we have in terms of access to the scanner and also in terms of robust knowledge and culture in the field of cardiology from the people who are running and doing the cardiac imaging. So, this is probably the most important challenge that we have in front of us”, declared Dr. Pontone.
Recent advancements in strain imaging, T1/T2 mapping, and AI hold enormous promise for CMR since they can significantly enhance patient care and diagnosis. “The cardiac mapping is the second step forward of the tissue characterization approach by cardiac magnetic resonance. Indeed, in the first life of CMR, the majority of cardiac tissue characterization was done with black blood sequences or without contrast agent or with the late gadolinian enhancement sequence with contrast agent. But in the last decades, quantitative technique and more specifically T1 mapping and T2 mapping allow to perform tissue characterization without the need of contrast agent and also with the quantitative parameters that can be measured. This is important because, as you know, especially for prognostic stratification of a patient, qualitative parameters and therefore qualitative tissue characterization is not enough. We need a quantitative parameter to define for the prognostic stratification and T1 and T2 mapping are in this direction”, said Dr. Gianluca Pontone.
Cardiology has been able to break free from the constraints of traditional research thanks to Artificial Intelligence, entering a new world of multidimensional information that is happening in real time. “The use of artificial intelligence is crucial in two main steps. First, to reduce the scanning time because, as I told before, we need to work in less than 30 minutes and in the next future also in less than 20 minutes for each patient for cardiac MR, for CT in a few seconds, of course. But it is also very important for the post-processing because the post-processing reporting is also extremely time consuming and what we are asking to the artificial intelligence is a very automatic reporting system that is at least able to identify the negative patient, the patient with no disease. Because in this way, the readers and the imagers can be totally focused on positive exams just to better define the prototype. In this way, the workflow could become very efficient and therefore this means to destroy the barriers that limited the access of cardiac imaging”, underlined Dr. Pontone.
Cardiac magnetic resonance has revolutionized how we detect and treat a variety of cardiovascular conditions. It is an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases because it offers precise and accurate images of the anatomy, physiology, and blood flow of the heart. Numerous and growing therapeutic uses of CMR give patients with cardiovascular disorders hope for better care and better outcomes. Therefore, CMR is a crucial tool for any cardiologist.

Dr. Gianluca Pontone graduated with honors in medicine in 1997 and obtained his post-graduate degree in Cardiology and Radiology and a PhD in Clinical Methodology in 2001, 2006 and 2014, respectively at the University of Milan, Italy. He is the author of 292 indexed articles in international journals, 7 scientific books, 496 scientific abstracts. He has conducted 540 lectures at national and international meetings in the field of cardiovascular imaging with an overall H-index of 33. He is currently a board member of SCCT and EACVI, Chairman of CT certification Committee of European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). He was formerly the Chairman of the Cardiac Magnetic Resonance working group of the Italian Society of Cardiology and Deputy Chairman of the Cardiac Computed Tomography working group of the Italian society of Cardiology. Dr. Pontone is an associate editor and member of editorial board of the following journals: JACC Cardiovascular Imaging, Atherosclerosis, Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Eurointervention, Biomed International Research, Acta Radiologica.
"It was a great course and very interactive. Prof. Gianluca Pontone explained all the aspects of the CMR, from basic issues to advanced steps. I would recommend this course to all CMR specialists. Also, the organization was perfect and very friendly. Thanks once again."
Dr. Goran LončarInterventional cardiologist, Clinical Teaching Assistant, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases "Dedinje"
"It was a pleasure to attend the CMR masterclass at the GEHC Clinical Education Academy in Bucharest. The course was short but intense and the topics were very well structured. Prof. Pontone is an excellent speaker. What I found most useful is that Prof. Gianluca Pontone went through the most advanced technologies and implementation of cardiac MR and also showed very useful practical tips that I will implement in my daily routine work. A great advantage of the course was the presence of workstations which made it possible to interact with the cases with the valuable technical support from CVI application service who was available for questions and help. My only recommendation is that it would be good if there was more time dedicated to discussion of cases and questions from participants. Also, the event was a good opportunity to meet colleagues that share same interests and encounter same problems so we could discuss and exchange ideas."
Dr. Violeta GroudevaRadiologist - St. Ekaterina Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria
"First of all, I would like to highlight the excellent content of the Masterclass “MR Cardiac Imaging Masterclass” by Prof. Gianluca Pontone. The Masterclass included lectures and clinical cases and it was well balanced. The clinical cases were useful and interesting, and each participant was able to evaluate the images using a modern postprocessing program. In addition, the organization of the Masterclass from GE Clinical Education Academy was perfect. In my opinion it was one of the best Masterclass in my professional life. I would like to thank all those involved in the organization of this Masterclass."
Dr. Tetyana YalynskaRadiologist, Chief of the radiology department, Ukrainian Children's Cardiac Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
"A fost un curs excelent și foarte interactiv. Prof. Gianluca Pontone a explicat toate aspectele CMR, de la aspecte de bază, la concepte complexe. Aș recomanda acest curs tuturor specialiștilor CMR. De asemenea, organizarea a fost perfectă și atmosfera foarte prietenoasă. Mulțumesc încă o dată."
Dr. Goran LončarChirurg cardiolog intervenționist, asistent universitar, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea din Belgrad, Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare „Dedinje”
"A fost o plăcere să particip la masterclass-ul CMR organizat de Academia de Educație Clinică GE din București. Cursul a fost scurt, dar intens, iar subiectele au fost foarte bine structurate. Prof. Gianluca Pontone este un orator excelent. Ceea ce mi s-a părut cel mai util este că Prof. Pontone a oferit informații despre cele mai avansate tehnologii și proceduri de implementare a RM cardiacă și a oferit sfaturi practice foarte utile pe care le voi implementa în munca mea de zi cu zi. Un mare avantaj al cursului a fost prezența stațiilor de lucru care au făcut posibilă interacțiunea cu cazurile cu suportul tehnic valoros din partea serviciului de aplicații CVI care a fost disponibil pentru întrebări și alte solicitări. Singura mea recomandare este că ar fi bine dacă ar fi mai mult timp dedicat discuțiilor asupra cazurilor și întrebărilor participanților. De asemenea, evenimentul a fost o oportunitate bună de a întâlni colegi care împărtășesc aceleași interese și întâmpină aceleași probleme, astfel încât să putem discuta și să facem schimb de idei."
Dr. Violeta GroudevaRadiolog, Spitalul Sf. Ekaterina, Sofia, Bulgaria
"În primul rând, aș dori să subliniez conținutul excelent al Masterclass-ului „MR Cardiac Imaging Masterclass” al Prof. Gianluca Pontone. Masterclass-ul a inclus prelegeri și cazuri clinice și a fost bine echilibrat. Cazurile clinice au fost utile și interesante, iar fiecare participant a putut evalua imaginile folosind un program modern de postprocesare. În plus, organizarea Masterclass-ului de la GE Clinical Education Academy a fost perfectă. După părerea mea, a fost unul dintre cele mai bune Masterclass din viața mea profesională. Aș dori să mulțumesc tuturor celor implicați în organizarea acestui Masterclass."
Dr. Tetyana YalynskaRadiolog, șeful departamentului de radiologie, Centrul Ucrainean de Cardiologie pentru Copii, Kiev, Ucraina
Comitet organizare
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioana-Andreea Gheonea
- Conf. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Valeriu Popa
- Conf. Univ. Dr. Radu Baz
- Asist. Univ Dr Lucian Florescu
- Șef Lucrări Univ. Dr. Teodor Sas
- Dr. Ferdinand Bauer